Hostos Community College Foundation
As a sponsor of the Hostos Scholarship Fund Golf Outing Classic, you demonstrate your personal or corporate commitment to educational access for all. We will proudly recognize your dedication to this community through the following promotional opportunities. Benefits will begin within one week of your confirmed sponsorship.
Name or company logo featured in the invitation*
Full-page inside front cover ad in event journal and full screen digital ad***
Name or company logo featured on front and back cover of event journal
Name or company logo featured on the official event executive gift
Verbal recognition as Title Sponsor throughout event
Prominent placement of name or company logo on step & repeat
Event Contests Sponsor and award presenter
Name or company logo on signage at registration table, first tee, lunch and dinner
Four foursomes; on-course refreshments and an individual gift bag for each player; two carts per foursome
Reserved seating for sixteen at lunch, cocktail reception and dinner
Name or company logo on signage at a designated tee
Name or hyperlinked company logo on Golf Outing webpage
Name or company logo in digital display at the event
Recognition in select College publications and all event-related promotional media**
Company tagged and acknowledged in event-related social media posts
Name or company logo featured in the invitation*
Full-page inside back cover ad in event journal and full screen digital ad***
Opportunity to brand a signature event give-away
Verbal recognition as Classic Sponsor throughout event
Name or company logo featured on step & repeat
Ball Drop Sponsor and presenter
Three foursomes; on-course refreshments and an individual gift bag for each player; two carts per foursome
Reserved seating for twelve at lunch, cocktail reception and dinner
Name or company logo on signage at a designated tee
Name or hyperlinked company logo on Golf Outing webpage
Name or company logo in digital display at the event
Recognition in select College publications and all event-related promotional media**
Company tagged and acknowledged in event-related social media posts
Limited to three
Recognition as Cocktail Reception & Dinner Sponsor on signage during cocktail reception and dinner
Name or company logo featured on step & repeat
Two foursomes; on-course refreshments and an individual gift bag for each player; two carts per foursome
Reserved seating for eight at lunch, cocktail reception and dinner
Half-page ad in event journal and full screen digital ad***
Name or company logo on signage at a designated tee and putting green
Name or hyperlinked company logo on Golf Outing webpage
Name or company logo in digital display at the event
Recognition in select College publications and all event-related promotional media**
Company will be tagged and acknowledged in event-related social media posts
Recognition as Lunch Sponsor on signage during lunch
Reserved seating for four at lunch, cocktail reception and dinner
One foursome; on-course refreshments and an individual gift bag for each player; two carts per foursome
Half-page ad in event journal
Name or company logo on signage at a designated tee
Name or hyperlinked company logo on Golf Outing webpage
Name or company logo in digital display at the event
Recognition in select College publications and all event-related promotional media**
Company will be tagged and acknowledged in event-related social media posts
One foursome; on-course refreshments and an individual gift bag for each player; two carts per foursome
Tickets for four to lunch, cocktail reception and dinner
Name or company logo on signage at a designated tee
Name or hyperlinked company logo on Golf Outing webpage
Name or company logo in digital display at the event
Recognition in select College publications and all event-related promotional media**
Company will be tagged and acknowledged in event-related social media posts
Ticket for one to cocktail reception and dinner
Name or company logo on signage at a designated tee
Name or hyperlinked company logo on Golf Outing webpage
Name or company logo in digital display at the event
Recognition in select College publications and all event-related promotional media**
Company will be tagged and acknowledged in event-related social media posts
*Must commit and provide logo by Thursday July 20
**Media features may include: one quarterly Foundation newsletter, pre- and post-event press releases, Hostos’ Continuing Education & Workforce Development brochure, Hostos Community College 2023 Annual Report.
*** Submit ads no later than Thursday, September 14

If you are interested in making an in-kind donation for this event, please contact Development Officer Idelsa Méndez at imendez@hostos.cuny.edu or 718-518-4341 to discuss donation and recognition opportunities.

Your contribution, less the fair market value of golfer's fees and dinner,
is tax-deductible as a gift to the Hostos Community College Foundation.